洞察力 2023年5月18日

What are the best office 安全系统?

在本文中, we’ll explore the essentials in office 安全系统, 最新的创新,可以帮助您的组织提供强大的保护.

The essentials in office security

Specific office security requirements and priorities vary, but there are some elements that are best practice for most organisations. 整体的方法使用技术和人员力量的结合来实现一个全面和彻底的安全系统. The essentials might include a combination of the following:


物联网(IoT)技术意味着你的警报现在可以连接到传感器来测量几乎任何东西. Examples include movement, light, sound, temperature, smoke and water leaks.

这很有用, not just for deterring intruders, but can also support a quick and effective response to fire risks, 例如, Mitie’s fire and security specialists combine the skills of experienced local service engineers, backed up by remote monitoring systems, to offer comprehensive security and fire services.



集成的安全技术可以向您的地面团队提供信息, and it’s important that they are equipped to act on it. This may include specialised training and outfitting, including ‘guest service training’, if they need to support members of the public.

Mitie male security guard in a suit standing at the bottom of escalators
A blend of 科技nology and people power achieves a thorough security system


高质量的图像和音频捕获可以生成任何可疑活动的清晰图像和周围的处所. 然后将这些视频存储在澳博官方网站器或云中,以备将来参考.

中央电视台 is important not just for the security of your premises, but it also benefits the surrounding community. 通过充当可见的威慑,它降低了风险并提供了额外的安全级别.

Remote monitoring capabilities

Remote monitoring helps to keep you and your staff constantly in the loop. 这对于管理多个办公室和提高对恶意活动的响应速度至关重要. 中央电视台 and alarm systems can be monitored from anywhere, with instant notifications when issues require attention or intervention.

Some of the latest trends in office security

超越必需品, 您可以探索一些最新的科技创新,以进一步改善您的楼宇保安系统. 技术驱动的安全方法意味着您不必采取更多的安全措施. It can help you use what you have in smarter, more cohesive ways:

Artificial 情报 (AI)

人工智能可以降低人为错误的风险,并支持安全专业人员评估潜在的安全风险. 例如, 人工智能可以用来识别人,并评估他们是否应该(或不应该)出现在你的场所.

人工智能还可以探索行为模式,以确定一个人的意图是否恶意. 它的优点是能够更快地处理大量数据, 更准确地说, 比人. 和, any suspicious activity can be flagged up, 立即, to you or your colleagues for a rapid response on the ground.

也, when it comes to networks and computer systems, AI is a crucial tool in the fight against cyber-attacks. The knowledge that it’s working in the background, 24/7, can provide peace-of-mind for stakeholders in organisations of all sizes.

生物识别技术, such as facial recognition or 虹膜扫描, can deliver an extra level of protection

Improved access control measures

办公室里的许多犯罪活动都可以追溯到未经授权进入建筑物. 加强访问控制可以降低风险,使未经授权的人员更难以进入您的处所.

This is equally important for the security of your computers. 添加全面的身份验证措施将有助于保护组织的信息, and that of your customers. 和 logging all access attempts will provide a clear, real-time view of who’s in your buildings and networks.


Biometrics can deliver an extra level of protection. 使用生物识别技术最具成本效益的方法是指纹技术,它便于在高度个性化的层面上访问.

Organisations like government departments, banks and data centres, need increasingly advanced and reliable solutions to protect their assets. Solutions include facial recognition, 虹膜扫描, and even 科技nology that recognises the veins in employees’ hands.


使用移动应用程序是推进访问控制措施的一个日益增长的趋势. 我们大多数人的智能手机上都有技术,可以让我们进行安全的移动支付. 通过使用类似的技术,员工的手机可以代替他们的门禁卡和胸卡.

This is a very secure method of office entry, as many mobile devices already use multi-factor authentication, 包括生物识别技术. 这可以防止它们被不同的人共享,就像徽章或卡片一样. 也, most people already carry a smartphone, so it’s one less thing for them to remember to bring to work each day.

Cyber threat 情报

For organisations of any size, 保持数据和应用程序的安全与保持物理资产的安全同样重要.

With cybercrime on the rise, 网络威胁情报可以更快、更容易地发现潜在威胁. 和 steps can be taken to defend against them, 通过利用来自不同数据源的见解,主动识别潜在风险.


了解威胁背后的动机和目标,有助于更好地做出应对决策. 在Mitie,我们的 specialist team, Esoteric,帮助客户评估对其人员、资产和环境构成的风险. 我们的澳博官方网站结合了量身定制的安全建议和情报驱动的反间谍解决方案,以降低风险.

Enquire now to see how Mitie can support your office 安全系统

如果您想增强组织的安全性,与Mitie合作可以让您访问 the protection you need. We work with customers to prevent exposure to risks of reputational harm, 经济损失, 损害 to property and injury to life.

我们的 情报中心 provides customers with real-time 情报 alerts, 威胁分析, 渗透测试, 风险评估, embedded assurance managers, live scenario testing, TSCM and counter-espionage solutions.

我们丰富的经验意味着我们可以获得您想要探索的任何技术, and ensure they’re deployed and managed in the right way. To discuss your specific requirements, 保持联系 今天我们的团队.

